Sunday, October 21, 2007

Cyclo Cross - Kicked my Butt!

I did my first cyclocross race this weekend in Mansfield Connecticut, and man was it tough. My heartrate was well above maximum threshold for about 45 minutes...I've never thought about quitting a race but, this sucked (not really...pretty awesome, I'm just not in cyclocross shape!). I decided that I'd try the Master 35+ race "Mistake", these guys kicked my ass!...I wanted to do the "c" race but, my son's soccer was at the same time. The Mansfield race, I was told, is one of the tougher races throughout New England, Some steep climbs, logs, barriers, sand, water, roots, trees,...etc. My hat goes off to the guys that designed the course and the riders that lapped me! (Thank You)!!!

...Previous week, ran the Hartford 1/2 marathon, I sucked this time (ran with a cramp for about 5 miles). My buddies I run with kicked my ass! for the first time...I'll get'em soon! I was running @ a 8:30 pace...definitly, well above my training pace!

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